• The Council of Paramedic Educators

    The Council of Paramedic Educators (COPE) is a multidisciplinary, international and cross service and region collaboration of paramedic educators who strive to improve paramedicine in our region. The council include educators from state and jurisdictional ambulance services, academic educators and private sector educators from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, PNG and Vanuatu.


    Vision: To create a positive and collaborative space for paramedic educators to discuss, develop and share ideas, concepts, scopes of practice, limitations


    Mission: The mission of the COPE is managed by identifying three main aims:

    1. Promote collaborative relationships across the profession to advance, develop and promote paramedicine education.
    2. Encourage the use of evidenced based practice across the paramedicine profession in both clinical practice and educational paradigms to improve patient safety, workplace and operational safety.
    3. Work in partnership to develop the discipline of paramedicine.

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    Liam Jobsom


    Ambulance NSW

    Chairperson 2024

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    Blake Karras


    Qld Ambulance

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    Sandy MacQuarrie

    Paramedic Academic

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    Ambulance Tasmania

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    St John NT

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    Ambulance Victoria

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    Matt Cannon


    St John PNG

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    Shell Piercy


    Promedical Vanuatu

  • COPE

    COPE is an unaffiliated stand-alone council of paramedic educators hosted by TSE. The council schedulaes to meet two times per year to discuss developments and create a communication channel between paramedic educational stakeholders.

  • Keen to join COPE?

    Appointments and Membership to COPE is limited to those with proven and refereed experience in paramedicine education across our region. We encourage applications from state based ambulance, private paramedicine, and paramedicine academia.


    Appointments to COPE are for a period of 12 months