Being Uncomfortable !
Develop your skills with The Shift Extension...
next-gen paramedics
for the real world
Get comfortable being uncomfortable !
What you won't find here!
X Suits, Ties and Spreadsheets
X Boring monotone lectures (yuk)
X Death by powerpoint
X Unrelatable graphs and p-values
X Hierarchy nonsense
X Hero 'war' stories
X A 27 step process to insert an LMA
What you WILL find here!
✔ A casual, interactive and fun learning environment
✔ Interactive discussions led by you
✔ Engaging presentations
✔ Real world examples for clinical reflection
✔ Stories that will develop you (we share our mistakes so you don't make the same ones)
✔ Practical approaches to assist you to prepare for the role
✔ Audience inspired topics (you direct our symposiums - not the boring speakers)
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The Shift Extension Paramedic Podcast is a free, open access source of information relevant to the profession of paramedicine. Join us as we explore the medicine, challenge the norms and learn from our experiences.
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If you have something worth sharing, and are keen to write, then we would love to hear from you!.
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The Explora Group is the official publisher of The Shift Extension
ISSN 2653-3901
© The Explora Group 2020 - 2025